Working on a computer is an unbalanced activity. To top it all this kind of work is happening in highly artificial environments, often combined with an unnatural and stressful lifestyle. Besides the fact, that this is quite unhealthy in the long run, the computer worker looses the relationship to nature. This is bad for humans and nature.
Especially the one-sided work needs the balance, that nature provides. To experience this balance is not only beneficial to the human's well being, but also it creates more awareness for nature. It leads to the realization, that an intact nature is important. The netBase center promotes a good relationship between humans and nature. It gives the opportunity to develop this kind of relation.

The center itself will be build with this spirit. With this spirit it will be managed, being an example, that economy and ecology can be married.
It will be constructed in an ecological way. Natural and regenerative materials will be used (wood, loam, stone). Solar energy is utilized in an active and passive way. An organic wastewater cleaning system will reduce pollution a minimum.
The dimensions will be in harmony with nature. No more than eight guests will stay and work there at the same time. At peak times up to 16 guests for the day can be there. Thanks to the flexible and modular construction, single persons, as well as couple and families can be accommodated comfortably.

Guests will be encouraged not to come with the car, but to take the train. A shuttle service is available, as well as a car, which can be shared for local use.
Vegetables and fruits will be organically grown on the property. Working with computers can be balanced with gardening. Furthermore there will be a changing offer for improving well being and consciousness. Like courses in yoga, tai chi, meditation and more - taught by international experts.
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© kris krois & simonex, 2000